
Manage your customer revenue lifecycles with one platform

Configure dynamic pricing. Sell on any channel. Expand customer revenue. Know exactly what to bill and when.





Direct Sales + Product-led Growth

In-app self-service

Direct sales

Website sales

Partner sales

Dynamic Customer Journeys

Subscription Changes

Upgrades / Downgrades



Usage Consumption

Land & Expands

Agile, Innovative Price Models

Recurring subscription

Overage usage

One-time fees

Credit burn down

Pay as you go

Tiered discounting

Universal data model built for subscription, usage consumption, physical goods and services offerings together.

Real-time calculation engine for real-time pricing calculations and advanced analytics across the customer lifecycle.

Unify sales channels with native quoting and subscription management inside Salesforce with APIs for integrating in-app and website sales into CRM.

Business-user first

Rapidly build product and bundle offers

Any user can configure and bundle products (subscriptions, physical goods, services, and usage). No IT intervention and extensive training.

Manage sophisticated, multi-variable pricing

Deploy any pricing or discount model – tiered pricing, pay as you go, ramp discounts, and more.

Consumer-like experience for quotes and orders

Built for sales by sales people so quoting and orders are a breeze.

Enterprise-grade scalability & security

Best-in-class enterprise-grade security to minimize risk and ensure compliance.

  • SOC 1 & SOC 2 Compliant

Universal data model

Highly flexible and extensible

Brings together best of Sales and Finance data attributes so you can bridge Sales, CS and Finance (maximize your CRM, provisioning, and ERP investments). Enrich with external data. Extend anywhere.


Salesforce Native

Direct extension of Salesforce’s standard objects

Let your reps live in Salesforce with Nue’s app on Appexchange for quoting and order management. Get seamless analytics across your customer journey in Salesforce.


API reference docs for subscription management and billing

Manage revenue lifecycles across channels with plug and play APIs

Sync seamlessly with Salesforce for integrated transactions

Deploy onto your website or in-app for checkout functionality and self-service management that is always in sync with Salesforce.

Real-time calculation engine

Re-calculates revenue changes across entire lifecycle

Bring Sales and Finance with one source of truth. Know every projected revenue detail of every quote, order, renewal, upsell and co-term in flight all the way to billing. Processing speed is lightning fast because the complex calculations live outside of CRM and write directly back.

Real-time revenue lifecycle intelligence

Get projected revenue metrics at every point of your customer journey

Slice and dice by highly granular data attributes. Use Nue’s revenue data in Salesforce native reports or explore your ARR trends overtime in our advanced revenue intelligence reports.